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Networking is simple but it’s not easy. It’s netWORKING after all. If you want to be a successful networker you want to be the centre of your network. Being the centre of your network is an important stepping stone to business success through word of mouth referrals.

The purpose of this article is to share with you the four tips to grow your network. These tips are the 4 things that all successful networkers know – initiative, intention, confidence and motivation.

Make things happen – You can’t just sit on your backside and expect things to happen. You need to work your network. You need to help others in your network with referrals and introductions. If you put out there your help you will get help in return. It may not come from the same person but others will see that you are helpful and want to help you in return.

Set goals and know what you are doing – If you don’t have a roadmap how do you know where you are going. You need to set goals. You need to set life goals, business goals and other goals. You also need to know what the goals are of others in your network so that you can help them achieve their goals. The more you help others try to achieve their goals the more likely they are to try and help you achieve your goals.

Make sure you exude confidence – If you are not confident then you are unlikely to engender confidence in others, You need to position yourself as an expert in your field and you need to make sure that your network understands that you have confidence in them. Without confidence there is no motivation (see the point below.)

Be the team captain and coach – A great business networker is both a leader and part of the team. To use a sporting analogy they are part captain and part coach. You need to use your leadership skills to motivate your team members to perform at their optimum level.

As you can see, the steps to a successful network are simple, but not easy. If you follow the tips mentioned above then you increase your chances of success.

if you want help in improving your own business networking then check out some of the other articles on this website or get in touch to discuss our coaching opportunities.