So I went to my first WP Melbourne Meetup the other night and it was fantastic. I can’t believe I haven’t been to them earlier. Would have saved me so much time and I would have learned many of the things I have taught myself much more quickly had I attended earlier I am sure.
I’m a digital marketer teaching myself development so whilst some things will take a bit of clarity and research to get my head around I still had an enjoyable night. Great to meet so many passionate WordPress people and I look forward to getting more involved and giving back to the community.
I have bookmarked the #wpmelb hashtag and am furiously going back through the slides to comapare with my own notes.
Here were the key takeouts for me as a relative newbie to the space.
Child themes – Now obviously as a newbie I couldn’t ask about Child themes on the night as I didn’t want to look stupid. I’ve been working on changing themes around but never as a Child Theme so this will save me a lot of time and heartbreak. This is by far and away my highlight of the night. I had started working on a guide like this myself. Will save me many hours. Thanks
WP-CLI – ” WP-CLIis a set of command-line tools for managing WordPressinstallations. You can update plugins, set up multisite installs and much more, without using a web browser. ”
So I have a lot of reading, learning and scoping out to do but I am looking forward to coming back – and attending the WordPress Melbourne Users meetup next month.